Monday, September 21, 2009

Child Abuse PSA

Title: Child Abuse Advert
a) What's the message?
- The message is to speak up if you are being abused because no child should be suffering like that.
b) Who is the intended audience?
- The intended audience is any child who is being abused around the world and also other children
and adults to show what really happens in our societies today.
c) What is the story telling technique?
- The way they show the little children all curled up and then a girl running and screaming it really gave the impact of what truly happens and it shows you how they really feel. It allows you to be able to feel in some sort of way how they feel.

1 comment:

  1. Chloe -
    Thank you for sharing this. It's a very effective PSA. The combination of dramatization along with interesting and shocking facts makes this 1 min spot very educational and powerful. The intended audience is not only the victim but also witnesses and people who are not aware of the problem.

    I notice that some of the text in your post is only partially visible. If you need help figuring out why, let me know. Also, red is hard on the eyes as body text, so try another soothing color :)


About Me

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My name is Chloe and im 15 years old. I go to Codrington School in Barbados. I have lived in England, Canada, Germany and Barbados. I love to go to the beach and be with my friends.